Data Analytics
Hex appeal: D&D 5E Spellbook
Whether you're a wizard, sorcerer, cleric, or bard, this dashboard allows you to filter spells based on your preferred magical class, level, and more. Playing with dynamic zone visibility, this dashboard opens up a spell card to learn more about each spell.
Can or can’trip: Dungeons and dragons spells
An exploration of the necessary components and attributes of spells from Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition (D&D 5E). This magical dashboard is a comprehensive tool for spell enthusiasts, breaking down the enchanting world of D&D spells into easily digestible categories.
Coup D’ata: historical Coup D’etas
The Cline Center data set provides details about coup events and the resulting data visualization answers questions like; what decade saw the most successful coup events, or total events in a decade, how have certain countries fared across time. Hosted on Tableau public, click below to view the data visualization.